by Ada Fried Wisniewski
There is a trailer park approximately 2.5 miles, that's right just a short 2.5 miles from Fifth Avenue in downtown Naples. We found out a New York Investment company appears to own it. There are so many children and families living in Palm Lake Trailer Home Park. The conditions are unimaginable and they are hungry. Miriam, one of our volunteers, goes there every day with food for anyone who needs a meal provided by Feed Thy Neighbor. Every day she shows up and they question her why is she doing this, how come it's free. Miriam has to explain that we are trying to help those in need and about our organization. She got permission from some of them to post their photos so you can see those that we are helping. These are NOT homeless people. They have a roof over their head, but barely and can't afford that roof and food for their families. WE provide one good home-cooked meal per day and they are all so grateful and thankful. Please, if you can give your time to volunteer, gift cards to supermarkets, amazon, or money know that every single donation we get goes 100% towards food, supplies and anything our community needs to continue this mission to feed those in need. Thank you and God bless you.